I'm an executive career coach, leadership development consultant. I'm interested all things at the intersection of leadership and communications. I blog about it here and at pure-jobs.com/blog. I work with CEOs, senior leaders and teams at companies ranging from small, private businesses to the Fortune 50. I enjoy hearing new ideas! Send any articles, tips or cool thoughts on leadership my way.

3 Things Your LinkedIn Summary MUST Say

The summary of your LinkedIn profile is 2,000 characters of prime real estate to genuinely differentiate you...

3 Ways To Instantly Improve Your Online Personal Brand

It’s the start of a new year and you have probably set some new career goals for yourself. Whether you...

How Frequently Should You Check Your LinkedIn Profile?

If you are in job seeking mode, you should have your LinkedIn profile optimized so that you are ready for &l...

Cheat Sheet: How To Make Your Cover Letter Work

“I just got done with the resume, now I have to write a cover letter too? Ugh…” Who hasn...

8 Strategies To Stop Networking & Start Building Genuine Professional Relationships

One of the most dreaded terms in all of job searching has to be networking. Perhaps because it seems so mani...

The Waiting Game: Surviving Job Offer Anxiety

Have you ever felt like you totally rocked an interview? You had all your questions and answers prepared, th...

Turn Job Interviews Into Job Offers With These Tips

Those who land the best jobs, in the shortest period of time, are those who never go on “autopilot.&rd...

How Introverts Can Land A Better Job

Confession time: although my job involves helping people network, promote themselves effectively, and land b...

4 Personal Branding Tips EVERYONE Needs To Know

Why is your personal brand so important anyway? Do you REALLY need one? Great questions. Allow me to explai...

How To Be More Confident At Work

You might not even think that you’re not a confident person when it comes to your job. However, it&rsq...

3 Signs Your Interview Isn’t Going In The Right Direction

Interviewing is nerve wracking even in the best of circumstances. If you feel like you are under a microscop...

3 Ways To Decide If The Position Is Right For You

I subscribe to the philosophy that work should be fulfilling and fun! I believe that even though it is &ldqu...

4 Tips For Chasing Your Dream Career

Not all of us could get our dream job, or the kind of job we dreamed about when we were kids. For some, a dr...

4 Signs Talent Thinks Your Employment Brand Isn’t Legit

Is your company actively hiring right now, but finding it tough to attract the caliber of talent your leader...

5 Networking Mistakes And How To Easily Avoid Them

You know the dance—you walk in to a networking event and the room is filled with people that you&rsquo...

Buying A Business: How Much Research Is Too Much?

When looking to buy a new business, one of the most important steps is doing a thorough due diligence. The b...

Revealed: Expert Strategy To Boost LinkedIn Visibility

Imagine that two people are playing basketball. The first player is constantly checking out his opponent and...

How To Be More Organized At Work

Organization is a pain, but the simple truth of the matter is organized people get more done. Why? Generally...

Why Wait? 3 Reasons To Reconsider Halting Your Job Search This Summer

Summer is a time of sunshine, water, nature and relaxation. For others, it’s also a time when kids are...

How To Answer 3 Interview Questions About How You Handle Stress

Hiring managers ask interview questions about all kinds of things—your background, your experience, yo...

Most popular

It is commonly thought that first impressions in business are the impressions provided by employe...
Sarah Ellis
06 July 2017
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