I'm an executive career coach, leadership development consultant. I'm interested all things at the intersection of leadership and communications. I blog about it here and at pure-jobs.com/blog. I work with CEOs, senior leaders and teams at companies ranging from small, private businesses to the Fortune 50. I enjoy hearing new ideas! Send any articles, tips or cool thoughts on leadership my way.

I Graduated, Now What? 4 Tips For New Job Seekers

    What to do after graduating college? Look for a job seems like the obvious answer. B...

5 Tips to Use a Recruitment Agencies to Your Advantage.

So You’ve registered with countless recruitment agencies and have been expectantly waiting for them to...

Communication Techniques to Get You The Job

Learn how to ace the job interview and stand out from everyone else so you get the job or promotion. Or, to ...

5 Classic Job Search Tools That Still Get Results

When was the last time you applied for a job by fax? My first resume in the early ’90s was typed on...

10 Things You Should Leave Off Your Resume To Get it Noticed

So youve just started you job search again. What you dont include on your resume can be as important as wh...

10 Things You Should Leave Off Your Resume To Get it Noticed

So youve just started you job search again. What you dont include on your resume can be as important as wh...

10 Warning Signs You'll Be Sacked, time to find something else

The signs that your job’s days are numbered are pretty obvious, if you’re paying attention. Here a...

What Jerry Maguire Can Teach You About Job Search

Earlier this week, I received an e-mail from an acquaintance of mine, asking me (and about 75 others also copi...

29% of Job Seekers Haven’t Updated Resume in Over a Year!

If you’re not updating your resume frequently and customizing it for each job search applications you ap...

Poll: Should Employees Go To Work Sick?

If your company has a “paid time off” (PTO) policy instead of traditional vacati...

10 Ways To Use Speed Networking In Your Job Search

Regardless of whether you are married or with a significant other, no doubt you’ve heard of “speed...

4 Instant Resume Killers

Want to cause a recruiter to toss your resumeinstantly? When an employer is faced with several –possibl...

4 Wardrobe Malfunctions An Interviewer Won’t Tell (Women)

Since most of my clients are applying to work in conservative, professional environments like law firms, inves...

Essential Certification For A Tech Career

Do you want to get into a tech career? Getting formally certified is an important career step in many skill-or...

Top 5 Must-Dos When Working Freelance

Freelancers are most common within the creative industry, as a freelancer has the flexibility and independence...

How Your Attitude Defines Your Job Search

Zig Ziglar once said, “Your attitudedetermines your altitude.” He couldn’t be more right. I...

4 Ways To Appear Fabulously Productive To Employers

Productivity in the workplace is as important as ever. Employerswant workers who get their work done accuratel...

4 Easy-to-Access Tools to Help You Accomplish Your Goals This Year

We’re two weeks deep in 2013, and already my New Year’s resolutions are feeling burdensome. Go ...

Stand Out With The One Page Resume Work Portfolio

Many recruiters prefer one page resumes, so use yours most effectively. The One Page Resume Portfolio The one...

30 Basic Sales Interview Questions You Need To Know About!

  So if you are in sales, and have an interview soon, or you recruit for sales people, I hope this...

Most popular

It is commonly thought that first impressions in business are the impressions provided by employe...
Sarah Ellis
06 July 2017
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