I'm an executive career coach, leadership development consultant. I'm interested all things at the intersection of leadership and communications. I blog about it here and at pure-jobs.com/blog. I work with CEOs, senior leaders and teams at companies ranging from small, private businesses to the Fortune 50. I enjoy hearing new ideas! Send any articles, tips or cool thoughts on leadership my way.

10 reasons you need to take control of your career now!!

    10 reasons you need to take control of your career now!!     So, ...

The Complete List of Internships and Fellowships in Israel for 2013

Over 30 places to apply for internships in Israel for 2013. In past years, this list has come out later in th...

21 Thing To Know About Writing A Cover Letter

So you want to find a new job? Email has become a primary communications medium for many of us. It is (gen...

100+ Job Search Hashtags on Twitter you cant live without

  Twitter is becoming an increasingly popular social media job search tool for profession...

Coming Soon: The Intern Queen Tip of Today!

Congratulations on completing your internship! Dont forget to stay in touch. Dont forget about your professi...

Computer Science in Action at Lockheed Martin - Mirror Worlds

The Intern Queen says why it\s important to check on your progress at the midway point.Deloitte & Tou...

@ McGladrey…

At McGladrey, we recognize the importance of having the power to shape your professional path and to truly own...

Turner Construction: Think Big in Princeton!

The Intern Queen says why it\s important to check on your progress at the midway point.Deloitte & Tou...

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It is commonly thought that first impressions in business are the impressions provided by employe...
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06 July 2017
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